Sutherland Elementary School
Dinwiddie County Public Schools
Home of the Scotties

6000 R.B. Pamplin Drive.
Sutherland, VA 23841
Telephone Number: 804-732-4168
Fax Number: 804-732-4620
Office Hours: 8:00 a.m.–4:30 p.m.

Transportation: 804-469-4680
School Board Office: 804-469-4190

Principal’s Message

Greetings, New and Returning Sutherland Families!

I am excited to start the 24-25 school year as part of the Sutherland Scottie Family.   My name is Brandi Walker, and I look forward to meeting each of you. I look forward to a year of growth and excitement for our staff, students, and community.

Our vision at Sutherland Elementary is “Preparing today’s children for tomorrow’s world.” By doing this, we believe that we should prepare for our students a means by which they will be able to meet the challenges of their future. This year’s theme is “Better Together!” At Sutherland Elementary, involving the whole community, teachers, parents, students, and stakeholders in children’s education is crucial to allowing them to reach their highest potential.  

The staff at Sutherland Elementary has been working tirelessly to prepare for the upcoming school year. We are all dedicated to the success of our students. We eagerly anticipate the opportunity to work hand in hand with families and community members. Together, we can provide our students with the best educational experiences to meet their individual needs and prepare them for the future. 

We look forward to collaborating with each of you throughout the school year and working to make 2024-2025 the best school year yet.

Dr. Brandi Walker
Sutherland Elementary

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Table of Contents

Mission Statement
Building Visitors
General Regulations for Students
Student Drop Off/Pick Up
Excessive and Unexcused Tardiness or Absences to School or Class
Compulsory Attendance
Perfect Attendance
Early Dismissal
Late Arrivals
Leaving School Property Without Permission
Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)
Student Council Association (SCA)
Parent Volunteers
Cafeteria Information
Cafeteria Manners
Electronic Devices/Toys
Emergency Procedures
Accidents or Illness
Contagious Disease
Threatening or Violent Behavior
Abusive Language
Office Referrals
After School Reflection (ASR)
School Bus
Guardianship/Legal Custody/Residency
Parent Conferences/Visits
Student Success Team
Athletic Programs
Lost and Found
Fund Raising
Drug-Free Work Place
Reading Month
Gym Rules
Dress Code
Assessment Opt Out Policy
Calendar Character Words
Dinwiddie County School Calendar, 2023-24



Sutherland Elementary School gets its name from the community in which it resides. Sutherland came from the Scottish group who settled here.  Just as the first Sutherlands were proud of their traditions, so are we.  Some of our traditions include strong academic programs, celebration of student success, student participation through structured activities, and providing a warm and caring environment. 

We are proud of the fine students who have attended our school.  It is here that we lay the foundation so that they become successful citizens and life-long learners.  

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Our vision is: “Preparing today’s children for tomorrow’s world.” By doing this, we believe that we should prepare for our students a means by which they will be able to meet the challenges of their future.

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Mission Statement

We utilize all means available to meet the needs of every child. Parents, volunteers, and the business community are a vital part of our school and assist us as we provide for the education of children.  Through everyone’s efforts, we seek to ensure a healthy, wholesome learning environment both physically and psychologically.

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Building Visitors

For the safety and security of our students we ask that no one visit our building without permission from administration.  All visitors and volunteer workers must report to the office and sign in through our electronic system which requires a State Issued ID or Driver’s License. Should any parent or visitor wish to see or pick up a child, it is essential that they report to the office and make this request.  The student(s) will only be called to the office when deemed appropriate.


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General Regulations for Students

Students are not permitted in the classroom prior to 8:15 a.m.  During the time the buses are unloading, students are to go directly to their classroom. Students are the responsibility of the parent/guardian prior to 8:15 a.m. ANY STUDENT ARRIVING EARLY MUST BE SUPERVISED BY THE PARENT

When arriving after 8:30 a.m., students are to be signed in by a parent.  They will be issued a “tardy” slip to take to their classroom.

When tardiness is necessary, written verification stating reasons for such shall be presented upon arrival.  

Whenever a student rides a bus to school in the morning, he/she is expected to ride in the afternoon also, unless a NOTE REQUESTING OTHERWISE HAS BEEN SENT TO THE SCHOOL BY THE PARENT/GUARDIAN AND APPROVED BY THE MAIN OFFICE.   Children who do not have a written note will be placed on the bus they normally ride.  For the protection of the child we do not rely on their word alone, as this is sometimes inaccurate.  Phone calls cannot be accepted.  

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Student Drop Off/Pick Up

Parents must have a valid form of identification in order to pick up their child.  Anyone signing out a student will be required to  show picture identification and their names need to be listed on the student’s emergency card.

Morning – 8:15 a.m.

The two lanes in the front are for parents to use  for student drop off.  A staff member will come to each car to assist your child(ren) with getting out. Cars will be unloaded four at a time.  Please do not allow your child(ren) to get out of the car on their own for safety purposes.  

Parents are reminded that the front is reserved for drop off from 8:15 to 8:30 a.m.  Please do not park in areas marked for Fire Lane at any time.  

If you arrive after 8:30, you will need to park and walk your child into the building and sign them in.  Supervised drop off ends promptly at 8:30 as staff members have other morning duties.  NO students should be sent into the building on their own.  

Students should NOT be sent to the cross walk for drop off as this is a safety concern. Parents must utilize the drop off line or walk their child inside.

Afternoon – 3:30 p.m.

All car riders will arrive in the gym. Parents will use the two lanes in the front for student pick up. All parents must display parking tags, so that staff can enter the parking tag number into our online system. Students will be dismissed in the order in which their numbers are entered. All students will be escorted by a staff member  to their car.  Please be patient as we are looking out for many students to ensure safety.

Reminder: If your child is picked up in the office prior to the 3:30 p.m. dismissal bell, an early dismissal will be given.

Whenever you need to bring your child to school, please do not leave him/her prior to 8:15 a.m., as we do not have anyone assigned for supervision before this time.  The tardy bell is at 8:30 a.m.  The same applies to the afternoon.  If your child is not riding the bus, please arrange for him or her to be picked up in the gym at the close of school.  We do not have personnel to supervise beyond 3:45 p.m.   

Parents picking up children at 3:30 p.m. must use the two car rider lanes in the front loop. Children may not be signed out after 2:45 each day (except for extreme emergencies).

If a child is leaving school early, the person with whom he/she is leaving must sign the student out in the office.  We must have written permission  if the child is leaving with someone other than the legal guardian.  A member of the office staff will call the student from the classroom.  

Parents are also reminded that the law regarding passing a school bus loading or unloading children also applies on school grounds. 

Your cooperation in these matters is appreciated since the safety of our students is involved.

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Attendance (as stated from Dinwiddie County Public School’s Code of Conduct)

Excessive and Unexcused Tardiness or Absences to School or Class

Students are expected to attend all assigned classes every day.  Absence from class includes late arrival, early dismissal or being missing from any class.  Justifiable reasons for non-attendance should be submitted to the school for each absence, late arrival, or class absence.  Absences from class require approval from an administrator.  Unexcused tardiness and/or skipping class are considered violations of compulsory attendance.

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Compulsory Attendance

Students are expected to attend school every day.  Any absence will be considered unexcused until appropriate verification is received and reviewed by the principal/designee. An absence shall be excused for the following reasons per nine week marking period:

  1. Personal illness (2 days, with parent verification)
  2. Death in immediate family or household (3 days)
  3. Professional or legal appointment (unlimited, unless there may be reason to suspect abuse)
  4. Extenuating circumstances with prior approval of the principal
  • When a student accumulates three (3) unexcused absences, the parent will be contacted and school officials will review the attendance policy.
  • When a student accumulates four (4) unexcused absences, the attendance team will meet with the parent & student.
  • When a student accumulates five (5) unexcused absences, an attendance contract will be developed and implemented.
  • When a student accumulates six (6) unexcused absences, a plan will be developed with the parent to determine if more supports and/or interventions are needed.
  • When a student accumulates seven (7) unexcused absences, the school social worker will file a complaint against the student and/or parents through Dinwiddie Juvenile & Domestic Relations Court.

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Perfect Attendance

A student is considered to have perfect attendance if they were present every day that school was in session with no tardy arrivals and/or early dismissals.

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Early Dismissal/Leaving School Property

When early dismissal is necessary, written verification requesting such must be received prior to 2:30 p.m. Early dismissal shall be considered excused for reasons consistent with those for which an excused absence is granted.   

Every minute of the day is precious instructional time; therefore, please do not ask that your child be dismissed early unless it is a medical emergency or otherwise unavoidable.   Calling for a child out of class disrupts the entire room.  It should be noted that we expect our teachers to continue with quality instruction right up to dismissal time.  

Persons picking up children will be required to show identification and must be listed on the emergency card. We must have written permission if the child is leaving with someone other than the parent/guardian. 

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Late Arrivals

When tardiness is necessary, written verification stating reasons for such shall be presented upon arrival. Tardiness shall be considered excused for reasons consistent with those for which an excused absence is granted.  Students are not considered tardy when the bus arrives late to school.  In the event the school officials determine it is necessary, steps shall be taken to verify an excuse for absence, late arrival, or early dismissal.  School officials may question a pattern of absences, late arrivals, or early dismissals when there is reason to suspect forgery or a misrepresentation of facts exists.

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Leaving School Property Without Permission

Once a student arrives on school property, he/she may not leave without administrative permission prior to the end of the regularly scheduled day.  Students with early dismissals must be signed out prior to leaving school.

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Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)

The goal of the Sutherland Parent Teacher Organization is to create awareness about the educational programs and to provide support for these programs. The interest and support of every parent/guardian is essential to the success of this organization.  The P.T.O. sponsors several fund raising projects a year.  Proceeds from these projects are used to purchase equipment, books, instructional supplies and entertainment for the development and enjoyment of the children.  Please plan on being an active participant.  Parental involvement at our school will create a better educational environment for our children.  Come join the fun and watch our children and school grow. 

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Student Council Association (SCA)

The Student Council Association (SCA) offers students an opportunity to participate in school government by developing leadership skills.  Officers are elected by the student body each year, and representatives (delegates) are chosen by each homeroom.  The SCA assists students and families in crisis.  The SCA meets before and/or after school throughout the year to plan school and community activities.

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Parent Volunteers

Plan to be an active part of your child’s school!  Volunteers donate many hours; your service and time are greatly needed.  Please join our team of volunteers.  The rewards are wonderful!  Contact the main office at 732-4168 if you are able to give just a little of your time.

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Cafeteria Information

Students participate in the National School Lunch Program that includes breakfast.  Hot lunches are served daily.  Menus are posted in the classroom and distributed monthly. Menus are also available on the Dinwiddie County website.

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Cafeteria Manners

Use of good manners in the cafeteria and helping see that our cafeteria is clean and orderly is a student’s responsibility.  Students are expected to clean up their lunch area when finished eating.

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Electronic Devices/Toys

The telephone is for conducting school business.  Students may use the phone for emergencies only with staff approval. 

Elementary students are not allowed to use cell phones, electronic games or devices at school, on the bus or on field trips. Cell phones should be turned off during the school day and put away in the student’s backpack. Repeated cell phone use violations will result in disciplinary actions as outlined in the DCPS Code of Conduct. 

Toys should not be brought to school without the approval of the classroom teacher.

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Students and their parents/guardians may be held directly responsible for the willful damage, destruction, or defacing of school property.  The Commonwealth of Virginia establishes the monetary limit for such damages.  It is not the responsibility of the school or school personnel to provide reimbursement to the owners of private property lost, damaged or destroyed through vandalism.  Damaged property must be repaired or replaced at the student’s or parent’s expense.

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Emergency Procedures

Dinwiddie County Public Schools have established plans for emergencies such as fire, illness and violent or threatening behavior.  Plans and complete procedures are on file in the school office and students are informed of them throughout each school year.  In addition, Sutherland Elementary School has a Crisis Management Team and the entire staff receives training in crisis management annually.  If for some reason students need to be transported to another school, Sutherland students will be taken to Midway Elementary School. 

Should your child notice a condition that appears threatening to them, he/she should tell the nearest staff member so that appropriate action may be taken to ensure the safety of all students.  

When necessary, the building will be evacuated and the proper authorities notified.  A buzzer alarm is sounded to signal emergencies that require evacuation.  To ensure that evacuation occurs in an orderly fashion, the procedure is practiced regularly with the staff and children.  Some emergencies such as tornadoes require moving the children to a safe location inside the hall corridors.  When this is necessary, a tornado code will be repeatedly announced over the public address system and a coded alarm will be sounded.  Another type of emergency that we face is the possibility of an unwanted intruder.  In such cases we will secure all children in a safe location within the building and lock all doors until the crisis is resolved. No visitors will be permitted to enter during the crisis.

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In the event that inclement weather conditions warrant the closing of school, announcements will be made over the local area television stations.

The school division utilizes an automated telephone system to communicate with and notify parents of events or schedule changes for the school or division.  Parents should notify the office of any telephone number changes as they occur during the school year to allow the communication to be received.

Should it be necessary to close school early due to weather conditions, announcements will be made over the same stations.  It is advisable, especially with younger children, to have made prior arrangements if a parent or sitter is not at home.  The school has made extensive plans for caring for the students in the event of a natural or man- made disaster; however, they will be first transported home, time permitting.  Should it be necessary for us to close on a short notice, we must have (in writing) a location to send your child.

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If your child becomes ill or is injured at school, we will make every attempt to notify you or the person listed on the Emergency Card and Student Management System. Please help us keep this information current.  In most cases, your child will need to be picked up by the parent or designee so that you may make a decision on the treatment needed.  Students who are vomiting, who have a 100°F fever, or who have diarrhea cannot stay at school.  They are to be picked up within a reasonable amount of time. In respect for the health and well-being of other children, your prompt response is essential.  Minor cuts and scrapes will be disinfected and dressed.  The administrative team will notify emergency services when deemed necessary.  You will be notified of this call. 

Students may not return to school until they have been free of vomiting, fever, and/or diarrhea for 24 hours without the aid of fever reducing medications.  This keeps all of our children safe and healthy!

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Contagious Disease

If your child has a contagious condition such as head lice, pink eye, chicken pox, etc., you will be given a letter at the time of occurrence outlining the conditions which must be met for the child to return to school.

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A student MUST NOT bring medication of any type to school.  This is Dinwiddie County School Board Policy and must be followed.  Please use the following guidelines when requesting the school to administer medication to your child.  

Non-Prescription Medication – We DO NOT administer this type of medication without a doctor’s order (this includes Tylenol, Motrin, etc.).  The medication is to be brought to school by the parent in the original unopened container  and there must be a written request giving the 

child’s name, the name of the medication, the dosage to be administered, and the time.  THIS WILL BE DONE ON A SHORT–TERM BASIS ONLY and by the physician’s order.  

Prescription Medication (for a temporary condition) – We ask, if possible, to arrange a schedule that would not make it necessary to give this medication at school.  If the medication must be given three (3) times a day, check with the doctor to see if this could be done before and after school, and at bedtime.  If the medication should be given every six (6) hrs, ask the doctor if it is possible to administer before and after school.  

Prescription medication (given at school on a regular basis) – The parent must bring the medication to school.  The proper documentation must be submitted at this time.  This includes the physician’s administration form indicating the name of the medication, the dosage that the child receives, the time that the medication is to be administered, and the signature of the physician and parent permission form that gives school personnel permission to administer the medication.  The medication must be in the original container with the child’s name, name of the medication, dosage time and amount.  

Reminder:  An adult must bring all medication to the school office.  At no time will medication be transported by a child.

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Homework/Reports are a vital part of the learning process.  Each provides the independent practice that a child needs to build his/her confidence in the classroom.  For this reason, it is extremely important that time is set aside for your child to complete his/her homework and return it to school when it is due.  Homework and reports are like practice for an athlete.  The more time your child spends strengthening his/her skills, the more likely he/she will understand concepts for all subjects.

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Students are entitled to a learning environment free of unnecessary disruption.  Any physical, written, or verbal disturbance, communication or activity, within the school setting or during related activities, which may interrupt or interfere with teaching and the orderly conduct of school activities is prohibited.

Also, for the protection of all, we will rigidly enforce the existing policies as stated in the Dinwiddie County Code of Conduct.  In the event a dangerous article is brought to school, a lengthy suspension or expulsion will most likely result, and School Board action may be required for reinstatement.  This policy not only forbids bringing actual weapons, ammo, and other dangerous articles, but also look-alikes, such as plastic guns, knives, cap guns, swords, etc.  Even items such as empty ammo casings will not be allowed.  

Any articles of this type which are brought to school or on the school bus will be taken from the child and will not be returned.  Any child who is aware of another child having a dangerous article must report it to the closest authority or staff member.

Please do not allow your child to bring any item for show and tell which is forbidden by policy. 

Your cooperation will help us maintain a safe environment for your child.  (See County Policy)

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Threatening or Violent Behavior

Violent or threatening behavior will not be tolerated in school or on the bus.  When necessary, the proper authorities will be summoned, and, if needed, the individual (adult or child) will be removed from the premises.  Court action will be taken as deemed appropriate. 

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Abusive Language

Abusive, vulgar, or profane language will not be tolerated.  Children will receive appropriate disciplinary actions as outlined in the DCPS Code of Conduct.  Such behavior will not be tolerated from children or adults.  Adults may be refused the opportunity to come to school if their language is threatening or unacceptable.

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Office Referrals

Generally, teachers will correct children in the classroom and communicate with parents on inappropriate behavior. In cases of unusual disruptive behavior or when the child has to be corrected frequently, a referral to the principal/assistant principal may become necessary.   When a referral is received by the principal/assistant principal, the action taken will be determined by the seriousness of the action and as outlined in the Dinwiddie County’s Code of Conduct. 

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After School Reflection (ASR)

ASR is a consequence to avoid suspending children out of school, except in more severe cases.  Should it be necessary for your child to be assigned to ASR, it is essential that they stay on the days assigned and be picked up at 4:30 p.m.  We will not allow children to have this option if they are not picked up on time.  

Some behaviors are so serious that an immediate suspension may be required.  In all cases, the administration will determine the appropriate action based on the circumstances.  The effort will always be made to keep all children in school with a favorable learning environment; however, it is unfair to the group to allow one child to create such a disruption that instructional time is lost.  

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School Bus

Buses are provided as a convenience to assist students in getting to school.  Should a student violate bus rules or exhibit behavior that is detrimental to the safe and efficient operation of the bus, his/her privilege of riding the bus will be suspended.  Violent behavior on the school bus will most likely result in a suspension from school as well as from the school bus. The school bus is a part of the school.  Please note that a bus suspension applies to any and all Dinwiddie County buses including field trip buses.   

Any child who is aware of a dangerous article must notify his/her bus driver, teacher or the school’s administrator.

Bus passes may be available on a limited basis for extenuating circumstances or childcare situations pending bus capacity.

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Guardianship/Legal Custody/Residency

For a child to attend Dinwiddie County Public Schools, he/she must reside with a natural parent or guardian (with legal custody) who is a legal resident of the county.  Proof of address could be requested at any time during the school year.  Any parent outside of the attendance zone who wishes to have their child attend Sutherland Elementary, must submit an Out-of-Zone waiver. First year waivers must be submitted to the student’s home school. Renewal waivers must be submitted to the student’s requested school. 

Note: Out-of-Zone permission is approved on a year-to-year basis.

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Parent Conference/Visits

Parents are encouraged to be an active partner with the school.  Open communication between the teacher and parent is encouraged and we will make every effort possible to hear your concerns and comments.  

We do request that all conferences be held at a time when students are not assigned to the teacher.  Please call ahead and schedule an appointment for either a teacher’s planning period or before/after school. 

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Student Success Team

A Student Success Team is available to assist the school and our parents in seeking solutions to problems which result from poor attendance, lack of academic progress, failure to be motivated and unacceptable social behavior.  In short, this team will seek to find solutions for children who are not meeting success, regardless of the reason.

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Students are not permitted to sell or buy anything at school. (This does not apply to the SCA student store.)

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Students are responsible for all textbooks and are expected to take reasonable care of all assigned books and materials.  The student or his/her parent/legal guardian must pay for any books that are lost, defaced, damaged or destroyed.

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Gum is not allowed in school at any time including lunchtime unless permitted by classroom teacher or administrator.

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Choral music is a part of each child’s instructional program.  Instrumental Music will be offered at the Middle School.

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Art is an integral part of our curriculum through which our students will explore the different mediums and techniques used for expression.  Many of the SOLs are integrated into Art.

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Athletic Programs

Our elementary school does not sponsor any organized athletic teams.  For information on athletic teams, call the Dinwiddie Recreation Department at 804-732-1100.

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Lost and Found

Items which are found should be moved to the designated area outside of the cafeteria. To claim an item, students should come to the office and check to see if the item has been turned in.  Due to the lack of space, items will not be kept for more than one month.  Unclaimed jackets and other clothing will be donated to a charitable organization.  Personal items such as combs, costume jewelry, etc. will be thrown away if not claimed within this period of time.

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Fund Raising

Fund raising activities that involve Sutherland Elementary students in door-to-door solicitation will not be allowed.

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Drug-Free Work Place

The Dinwiddie County Public Schools abide by local, state and federal laws to provide a drug-free workplace for staff, students and visitors. Smoking is not permitted on school property at any time. 

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Students have a number of opportunities to participate in several activities for which they may receive a special reward.  

Each year, the faculty selects fifth grade students who, during their career at Sutherland, have distinguished themselves in the area of language arts, mathematics, science, social sciences, music, art, physical education and citizenship.  The names of the selected students are inscribed on plaques in the community entrance of the school.  Students who qualify for the President’s Academic Awards program are recognized and receive a certificate signed by the President of the United States.  Inscribed on a separate plaque is the name of the School Champion in the National Spelling Bee.  Classroom and Grade Level Champions are awarded special certificates.  The student’s physical fitness records are listed on a second plaque.  Whenever a new record is set, the plaque is updated to reflect the most current record.  

At the end of the school year, special certificates are awarded to students for their efforts and to those with no absences.   Several other opportunities for recognition exist in the classroom and for certain activities. 

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Reading Month

Each year, we designate a month as reading month and plan special activities to celebrate reading and writing.  Please look out for many special activities which will be carried out during this month.  Children who meet their goals will get to participate in special events that celebrate success. 

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Gym Rules

  1. No one will participate without proper gym shoes.  
  2. At no time should any gum be brought into the gymnasium.  
  3. Children are expected to exhibit good sportsmanship at all times.  Reckless behavior, such as pushing, using foul language, defacing of facilities or fighting will not be tolerated.  Any of these violations may result in a referral to administration.   
  4. If a student gets injured, he/she should report the injury to the Physical Education teacher immediately. 
  5. If a student is sick or injured and the parent wishes for their child to sit PE out, it is necessary for the parent to provide the request in writing.  Additionally, it is necessary that the parent states in writing when their child may resume participation with the PE class.  
  6. If a child is excused from PE due to a doctor’s order the student will not be permitted to participate until the Doctor has granted permission to resume PE activities.

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It is our desire for every child to be successful; however, we ask parents to carefully monitor the Tuesday folders, Parent Portal in Infinite Campus, report cards, interim reports and homework to assure success.  In the event your child is receiving low grades (Ds or Fs) in any subject, we suggest that you schedule an appointment with his/her teacher to discuss your child’s lack of success.  Should a retention be necessary it should be evident by the third nine weeks.

A copy of Dinwiddie County’s Promotion/Retention Policy is in the school office and will be made available upon request.  This information is also available through the Dinwiddie County Public School’s Web Page at

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Elementary Student Dress Code (as stated from Dinwiddie County Public Schools Code of Conduct)

Students are expected to dress appropriately for a K-12 educational environment.  Any clothing that interferes with or disrupts the educational environment is unacceptable.  Clothing with language or images that are vulgar, discriminatory, or obscene; clothing that promotes illegal or violent conduct, such as the unlawful use of weapons, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or drug paraphernalia; and clothing that contains threats such as gang symbols is prohibited.  School climate has a direct influence on student achievement, and the manner in which students dress is a significant factor in school climate.

Students may not wear the following items unless otherwise stated:

  • Hoods, hats, face masks, or head coverings of any kind inside school buildings during regular school hours, unless required for religious or medical reasons.
  • Bandanas, do-rags, head scarves (with the exception of head garments for religious reasons), hair picks, wave caps, large combs, brushes, and rollers.
  • Sunglasses, unless prescribed by a physician.
  • Dresses, skirts, shorts, athletic shorts, and other similar clothing must reach 3 inches above the knee. When wearing leggings, tights, or similar apparel as an outer garment, tops must also reach 3 inches above the knee.
  • Messages on clothing, chains, jewelry, and personal belongings that pertain to drugs, alcohol, tobacco, sex, gangs, vulgarity, or that could cause a substantial disruption to the learning environment.
  • Spiked jewelry, chains, and items which could cause student injury.
  • Beachwear (which includes bathing suits and trunks) and sleepwear.
  • Clothing that reveals undergarments.
  • Cut-off jeans, cut-off sweatpants, or torn, ripped, or slashed clothing that reveals undergarments or body parts excluded by other parts of this code.
  • Bedroom slippers or shoes with wheels, also known as “Heelys.”
  • Clothing that reveals the midriff while sitting or standing.
  • Clothing that is see-through, revealing, resembles undergarments, with plunging necklines.
  • Tube tops, halter-tops, halter-top dresses, strapless dresses or tops or dresses with spaghetti straps. Tops must be at least two inches wide at the shoulder.
  • High heels or flip flops at the elementary level (For safety reasons, elementary students are encouraged to wear athletic shoes or  closed toe shoes with a rubber sole and should wear such shoes for Physical Education and recess).

Students must wear clothing as designed (buttoned, zipped, etc.) Students must wear pants on the hips, secured above the buttocks.

Students may not:

  • Drape any item around the neck (eg. towels, shirts, or shorts).
  • Roll down waistbands on shorts, pants, and skirts.
  • Wear clothing in any manner that reveals undergarments at any time.
  • Wear athletic basketball jerseys without wearing a t-shirt beneath the jersey.

Students with inappropriate dress will not be allowed to remain in their classroom until an appropriate change of clothing is made. Consistent disregard of the Student Dress Code will result in disciplinary action by the school administration.

Dress code rules may be adjusted to accommodate students on specific announced school-wide spirit days. 


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Assessment Opt Out Policy

On December 10, 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act of 2015 (ESSA) was signed into law. Section 1112(e)(2) of ESSA states that parents of students in Title I schools have a right to know about state or division policies regarding student participation in any assessments mandated by ESSA, including any policy, procedure, or parental right to opt students out of such assessments. If you would like to receive information about this topic, please contact the Director of Assessment and Student Services for more information.

All students enrolled in Virginia public schools are expected to take the applicable state tests. The Virginia Board of Education Regulations Establishing Standards for Accrediting Public Schools in Virginia state:

“In kindergarten through eighth grade, where the administration of Virginia assessment program tests are required by the Board of Education, each student shall be expected to take the tests” and “each student in middle and secondary schools shall take all applicable end-of-course SOL tests following course instruction” (8VAC20-131-30).

The Virginia regulations do not provide for what is sometimes referred to as an “opt out policy” for students regarding the Virginia assessments. If parents refuse to have their student participate in one or more of the required Virginia assessments, they should be aware that their student’s state assessment score report will reflect a score of “0” for any test that is refused.

Character Education Words

Citizenship-living up to obligations to society and community, showing patriotism and being involved.

Courage-the ability to act appropriately in the face of fear.

Responsibility-being dependable, reliable in words and conduct, accountable for our actions.

Respect-showing consideration for self, other people, property, and authority.

Thankfulness-being grateful for others and our surroundings.

Generosity-an unselfish attitude, willing to share with others.

Self-discipline-being in control of thoughts, feelings, and actions.

Caring/Compassion-feeling for another’s need and helping that one without expecting anything in return.

Integrity-having inner strength to be truthful, trustworthy and honest.

Optimism-a positive outlook that everything will turn out for the best.

Perseverance-continuing to do a task in spite of difficulties or obstacles.

Confidence-trust; a feeling of assurance or certainty.

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DCPS Academic Calendar 2024 – 2025